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Real Estate Licensee Responsibilities When Creating New Listings: ClaimPrevent® Summary 2

This session covers licensee responsibilities with new listings, information to be gathered with different seller situations, and creating the public listings — all from a risk management point of view. Use this ClaimPrevent® summary for onboarding new hires or as a refresher to help prevent legal problems. 

A. Licensee responsibilities with new listings


Real estate professionals should do title checks first to ensure they’re aware of the ownership of the property and who has the rights to list it for sale. A title check will also identify any encumbrances on the property. 


Whenever you get information from a seller client, make sure the seller always signs off on those representations. Anywhere that you’re going to use the information — the flyer, your website, or the MLS, make sure the seller signs off on it. (Because later when they’re getting deposed and the buyer’s attorney asks your “good friend” client about it, he or she is going to say they never saw it.)


Real estate licensees aren’t required to do a professional building inspection for your listings. But in some states (like California, for example), you do have a responsibility to do a “visual inspection.”

A visual inspection involves a walkthrough of the property and taking note of any “red flags,” obvious defects and property damage. It should be done before the property is listed. It’s a chance to quickly identify any visible defects, safety issues or barriers to open showings, or issues that could affect the sale of the property.

Watch out for any obvious safety risks around pools, such as:

  • A diving board when the pool is quite shallow
  • Steps in disrepair
  • Damage to surrounding decking (if applicable)

Keep records of your visual inspections. Be careful to only describe what you see and don’t speculate about the underlying cause. Avoid phrasing in your report such as

  • “Normal wear and tear”. You are not a builder or engineer, and you can’t be sure what is normal wear and tear or otherwise. 
  • “Licensee recommends that the Buyer obtain a physical inspection”. That does nothing to show you have performed your own visual inspection. 

It’s important to also keep records of any actions you take as a result of your visual inspections. If you make further inquiries with the seller about whether their extension was built to code or if the basement leaks, document these conversations. Record the date, time and the person you spoke to and keep all information in the property file. Even better is getting this information from the seller in writing.


Don’t list the property for sale until the sellers are 100% sure that they can go through with it, they’re ready to sell, and they can be out. “What are you going to do when this house sells? Have you got a place to go? Have you already made an offer on another property? Are you going to stay with a family member for a short time? Are you leaving the state? And if you’re leaving the state, have you got a place to go to there?”  The sellers should be sure they have a place to go should they get an immediate offer with a fast close.

See Risks of Selling Properties when Low Inventory.


With a whisper listing, you may take a listing with a buyer in mind, so the property is never advertised to the public via the MLS and/or other public sources. 

You want to be sure you have the informed consent of the seller. Explain to them, “I was just talking to this person, I think that he may be the perfect buyer. We can maybe do a whisper listing here.”

One benefit to sellers of a whisper listing is privacy. Sometimes they don’t want pictures of their home on the MLS, where they essentially stay online forever. 

The transaction can usually go much quicker and be cleaner as far as the terms. But the seller may or may not get a better offer. They’re likely to get their very best offer with the biggest pool of potential buyers, which is using the MLS.

The danger is if brokers/licensees get greedy, and take the whisper listing for their benefit, rather than for their client’s benefit. If you focus on how does this benefit my client, you can usually avoid some of the concerns. If all you’re focusing on is a quick commission — specifically, a quick dual commission — you’re going to get in trouble.

It’s the same concern with a pocket listing – which is usually a listing not advertised on the MLS, but just promoted throughout the particular broker’s network. A seller may prefer the privacy, but the danger is not getting the best offer because the property isn’t marketed widely.  Sellers who think you’ve prevented them from getting a better price will sue you after the sale.


B. Gathering information for certain situations


Because some above-ground pools are portable and temporary structures, you need to be clear in the listing contract and the listing itself as to whether it’s an inclusion in the sale or not. 

And some above-ground pools are being installed under the radar of authorities. Ask the seller and cite the documentation which confirms that permission from the relevant authorities was granted. 

Consider compliance for fencing and access gates as well. Many states, including California, Texas, and Arizona, require a safety barrier or fence to be installed around the perimeter of backyard pools, and there are minimum standards for access gates. Above-ground pools must adhere to state and local pool codes if they hold water 18 inches deep or greater


Obtain information from the seller about the diving board. While a diving board may have been built to code two decades ago, it might not meet the required standards today. Ask when the diving board was installed, if it was professionally installed, what pool depth it’s suitable for, and if there are any defects, maintenance issues or safety concerns. 

The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals website shows the latest information about the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code. This is a useful guide but be aware that pool regulations vary from state to state. Your buyers and sellers should contact their state regulator to check what standards apply to them in their particular location.


Whenever you see solar panels on your sellers’ property, always ask whether they are owned or leased. If you don’t disclose the status of the solar panels, buyers will assume they come with the home. If the panels are leased, upon the sale of a home the solar panel company may take the panels back or require an immedite payoff for the unpaid portion of the contract. If you don’t disclose this, your sellers will have a very unhappy buyer after the sale.


When selling a home with a rainwater tank or barrel(s), be aware there could be damage not visible and water quality may be an issue. The tank or barrels could require a permit or approval. Be sure to advise buyers to conduct an independent inspection.

With sustainable “green” homes, be sure your seller discloses any issues with a green feature, including whether that feature is near the end of its useful life.


When somebody dies, a family member may step in and start maintaining a property and paying taxes until the family is ready to sell it. But unless the property was deeded to that family member, he or she is not the rightful owner and cannot sell it. The person trying to sell the property may think they have the right to do so. But if they don’t, and you don’t verify the owner, you could be liable. 

Also, be sure to get in writing what furniture and fixtures are staying in the house. 


You may want to list these types of properties as “as is” sales. In some cases, you might even sell a hoarder’s home full of stuff. This may work for people looking for a tear down or planning major renovations.

You may want to advertise the listing as “Cash offers only.” Hoarder’s homes can make securing a mortgage challenging. Cash offers remove that layer of difficulty. 

See Risks of Selling a Cluttered Real Estate Property.


Before selling a property where squatters live or have lived, real estate professionals should be 100% sure the squatters either:

  1. Have moved out for good, or 
  2. Do not have any claim to the property according to the adverse possession laws in your state. 

Squatters tend to move into properties that are vacant for a long time. Unoccupied properties owned by out-of-state landlords, holiday homes, or properties not visited regularly by the owners are particularly vulnerable. Isolated properties, such as farms and industrial properties, are also commonly targeted, because they can be occupied without being visible to nearby neighbors.

Landowners can potentially avoid squatters, if they engage a real estate professional to visit their properties monthly. Taking photographs can be useful to assess the difference between visits, and to spot whether the property has been inhabited by squatters. This can also help to defend against an “adverse possession” claim in which squatters claim ownership of the property. 

Real estate licensees can help prevent squatters by suggesting to your sellers they:

  • Post no trespassing signs,
  • Secure all fences and gates and use secure locks.
  • Add a security alarm, surveillnace cameras, and outdoor lighting to discourage visitors.
  • Maintain the property.


When you’re selling a home that needs to be demolished, what’s wrong with the home may not be immediately obvious. And even you, as the real estate licensee, might not be able to inspect the home if it’s unsafe and internal access is not available. That’s why you’ll need access to property reports or previous building inspections to ensure you have a good understanding of all property issues. 

It’s also important to know what parts of the property need to be condemned. Is it just the home? Or do the garages and other structures on the land also need to be removed under the order? 

When selling a home that needs to be demolished, your marketing and communications need to be crystal clear. Important information about the property, such as orders to be demolished and timeframes for the works to be completed, must be stated upfront and disclosed to potential buyers. 

Typically, the price of a condemned property is less, because it takes into account the costs the buyer will incur for demolition. But it’s important to be upfront about who needs to pay for the cost of demolition, so there’s no confusion. 



QOZs are located in economically distressed and disadvantaged localities. Investors in QOZs enjoy multiple tax-related benefits. 

It’s a requirement that investments are made via an ‘Opportunity Fund’ which may be a partnership or a corporation holding at least 90% of its assets in QOZ property. 

The program also requires that QOZ business property be new or improved, meaning further investment is required beyond the initial purchase (if unimproved or minimally improved land is purchased, the land must be substantially improved). Additionally, there are reporting requirements for investors to maintain their tax incentives. 

Suggest that investors discuss the matter with their accountant, attorney, or other qualified professional to determine whether the program offers an effective investment for their particular circumstances.

C. Creating the public listing


Starting in 2024, seller’s agents can no longer list commissions offered to buyer’s agents in the MLS. This helps to prevent buyer’s agents from focusing on properties offering bigger commissions, helps to prevent “steering” clients to certain properties, and helps all listings to get more equal attention.

Similarly, when working with buyers, a buyer’s agent must have the potential buyer sign an agreement that discloses the buyer’s agent commission and how the agent will be paid. This agreement should be signed before the buyer’s agent shows the buyer any properties. Buyers can negotiate the commissions they agree to pay.


Accuracy of listings is so important. Typos in address details or property features can not only significantly affect your chances of selling a property — typos can also lead to lawsuits. 

And errors travel fast when listings are shared to other listing services and third-party websites — fixing small typos across multiple platforms can be a time-consuming process. So, when loading details, check and double-check. If you have an assistant who loads listing details, make sure that person understands the dangers of incorrect or missing information or typos.

Always indicate the source of the information (i.e., “per seller”). Remember though, you cannot have known or have reason to believe to know that the information was false.

All listings should include a disclaimer outlining that there is no guarantee of their accuracy, and information is subject to change. Prospective buyers should be encouraged to do their own research and due diligence, including measurement of the property’s square footage or land measurements. 


Many omissions arise from misunderstandings, miscommunications, or details left out. For example, a licensee may market a property as a “large family home,” but not include the square footage in the property listing. A buyer who is purchasing the property sight unseen might then be unhappy post-purchase when they find out, by their standards, it is a small property. 

Misunderstandings also arise regarding fixtures in a property or even about what constitutes a fixture and what is not. If a seller plans to remove items (like a spa, wall-mounted TVs, window coverings, chandeliers, etc.) once the property has sold, it should be written in the contract.

Similarly, if it’s a deceased estate or a property being purchased ‘as is,’ and furniture and items are going to be left in the home, this needs to be stated in the contract.


Be sure that any images you post of the property are accurate. If a photographer is providing your images, be sure he or she knows the photos cannot be heavily edited (to remove power lines, etc.).

Buyers will rely on the photos you provide, especially those who will purchase the property sight unseen. You don’t want to misrepresent the property.

See Using Photo Filters and Editing Property Photos for a checklist of editing “don’ts” to give your photographer.


When using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to show features of a property, be sure the property is presented as it actually is. If you are intentionally showing how it COULD look, be sure you disclose that. It should be clear that enhanced landscaping, kitchen countertops, or flooring are just suggestions and are not features of the current property.

Further, AI can produce wrong information about comparable properties, so be sure you individually check the information before publishing or posting it or providing it to clients.

Always be sure that only the facts are presented to avoid legal action down the road.

And always avoid using content created from AI on your website, posts, or marketing materials. If the content has been generated through something like ChatGPT, that content could be copyrighted.

See Augmented Reality and AI Risks in Real Estate.

Prevent Housing Scams with Your Listings

Monitor your listings regularly and search for any duplicate listings on your properties that may have been created fraudulently.

Consider watermarking your images to make them it more difficult to misuse them.


Thank you. I am so grateful for being a client for more than 25 years. CRES tops the charts.

– Laura D., Broker/Owner Summit Realty – Burbank, CA

Be Sure You’re Protected by Real Estate E&O Insurance

Listing issues are a common reason for lawsuits. Before you enter any new listing, review these most common listing issues to protect yourself and your brokerage from liability:

  • Inaccurate square footage of a property
  • Incorrect room sizes
  • Real estate copy that overstates the property (for example, “room for a tennis court”)
  • Incorrect zoning information
  • Age of the house

Every real estate company, broker, and licensee should be sure your business is protected by real estate Errors and Omissions insurance.  With CRES E&O, you’ll also have access to expert legal advice pre-claim. We have access to more E&O options than just about anyone, so we can find you the best coverage for the best price.


Check out our other summaries of key risk management issues:

ClaimPrevent® Summary 1: Attracting Real Estate Clients and Showing Property

ClaimPrevent® Summary 3: Seller Disclosures and Working New Listings

ClaimPrevent® Summary 4: Handling Offers to Purchase Real Estate

ClaimPrevent® Summary 5: Filling Out the Purchase and Sale Agreement to Avoid Problems

ClaimPrevent® Summary 6: Handling Challenges with Clients and Other Licensees

ClaimPrevent® Summary 7: Avoiding Legal Trouble when Working a Real Estate Contract

ClaimPrevent® Summary 8: Property Management Ads and Screening of Applicants

ClaimPrevent® Summary 9: Property Management Evictions and Maintenance

Whenever you see solar panels on your sellers’ property, always ask whether they are owned or leased. If you don’t disclose the status of the solar panels, buyers will assume they come with the home. If the panels are leased, upon the sale of a home the solar panel company may take the panels back or require an immedite payoff for the unpaid portion of the contract. If you don’t disclose this, your sellers will have a very unhappy buyer after the sale.

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