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Get the CRES Advantage: Fidelity National 13-Month Home Warranty

Fidelity National Home Warranty (FNHW), has been in business for over 20 years and is currently ranked in the top 5 home warranty providers based on contracts in force. FNHW offers extensive coverage and protection to homebuyers with focus and dedication to delivering more than the customer expects.

The February 2015 acquisition of Buyers Protection Group Home Warranty (BPG) and HISCO Home Warranty (HISCO) makes FNHW one of the largest home warranty providers — and helps ensure the continuity of outstanding customer service to existing and future CRES clients.

CRES Member Benefits

Under the CRES Advantage 13-Month Home Warranty Plan, administered by Fidelity National Home Warranty, CRES members qualify for the following special benefits:

  • Seller’s Protection Plan – Sellers receive additional E&O coverage up to $50,000 to protect them from a disgruntled buyer after the close. Use this value-added benefit to get more listings.
  • Optional Structural Coverage/Waiver – Up to $10,000 to repair or replace failed structural components of the home – a great risk management tool.
  • Home Warranty Service – FNHW’s mission is to help REALTORS® maintain and grow your business — and help homeowners have peace of mind in managing their unexpected repair and replacement costs. We do both by providing quality products with exceptional service.

Learn More about CRES Qualified Home Warranties through Fidelity National

To learn more about Fidelity National Home Warranty, visit:
or call 800-862-6837.

Learn more about the CRES Advantage Home Warranty available in these states:








Nevada – Northern

Nevada – Southern





*Seller’s E&O coverage and other benefits are feature-based and warranty specific. The E&O Retention (Out-of-Pocket Claims Expense) Reduction applies to any real estate licensed Real Estate Services Council Risk Purchasing Group, LLC. (“RESCRPG”) member who personally pays for the Home Warranty Plan. These benefits are offered by, and intended for, the members of RESCRPG. RESCRPG membership is part of your CRES E&O policy. Other warranties may also qualify for an E&O Retention Reduction, but only those warranties listed here are guaranteed to qualify. The CRES version of the FNHW warranty is the only one by FNHW that qualifies for these benefits. Benefits are available as long as a qualified home warranty is used and the ordering office, or agent, is insured by CRES. Not available in all states. Certain restrictions apply. Read each policy for a full comparison of coverage and benefits. All coverage is subject to Underwriting and other qualifications. CRES A Gallagher Company is not responsible for the information collection, privacy, or data security practices of sites linked from the CRES website. Please review the privacy policies and practices of linked websites before submitting information to those sites.

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