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Do You Have Superior Real Estate Errors and Omissions Insurance for All Your Related Activities?

Wouldn’t you like to be confident that your Real Estate E&O insurance:

    • Protects you and your business for your specific real estate-related risks, with the best protection available for the price
    • Gives you more for your investment— with expert Pre-Claim Legal Services and Building Permit History Reports (the first 25 are free)

CRES Real Estate E&O is the Best Protection for the Best Price

  • As part of one of the world’s largest insurance brokers, Arthur J. Gallagher, we have access to product options that no one else has

With CRES Real Estate E&O + ClaimPrevent®, you’ll get customized, innovative insurance coverage focused on the specific risks you face everyday in: real estate sales, appraisal, property management, escrow, mortgage brokerage, and transaction coordination.

Let’s get started:

New Real Estate E&O Insurance for a Company

"*" indicates required fields

New Real Estate E&O Insurance for an Individual

"*" indicates required fields

Superior Coverage with ClaimPrevent® Legal Services

You won’t find any other real estate errors and omissions insurance that even comes close to the customized coverage, tailored specifically to your daily risks, that you’ll find with CRES:

  • More Extensive Coverage
    If your state requires real estate E&O, you’ll usually discover that CRES E&O offers MORE coverage for less cost than your state program!
  • Safe and Secure
    CRES E&O plans are backed by A.M. Best A-rated carriers.
  • Experienced Legal Advice Pre-Claim
    Our E&O policies include access to our team of local legal experts, to help you proactively resolve small issues before they turn into bigger problems. Your CRES Real Estate E&O + ClaimPrevent® goes to work for you daily — not just after you have a claim (like most other E&O policies).

We Help Your Business Succeed (Something Most E&O Plans Can’t Say)

Our customized real estate E&O solutions offer business-building benefits you won’t find anywhere else.  You’ll win more listings, and deliver valuable services to your clients they won’t get from other agents.  More than 100,000 individual agents and some of the largest real estate firms in the country enjoy these advantages (and have for more than 25 years).  Shouldn’t you have them, too?

  • Know a Property’s Permit History and Reduce Permit-Related Lawsuit Risk
    How accurate are your listings? What if an added bedroom, the deck, or a remodel weren’t up to code? This happens too frequently. Permit issues account for one in five real estate­-related claims. With CRES Building Permit History Reports, you can pull electronic residential and commercial Building Permit History Reports quickly and easily, even on your phone during a showing. You’ll help reduce claims, and reduce your out-of-pocket claims expense by $2,500* when you give a Report to a buyer before closing.
  • Get More Listings with Seller’s E&O and Reduce Lawsuit Risk
    Show your sellers you care about them before, during, and after the sale. Our Seller’s E&O Protection Plan gives your seller (of a primary residence) their own E&O policy with $25,000 in protection for 180 days after closing (with an option to increase it to a full year.)  Because you have to be a licensed professional to carry E&O insurance, this is protection your sellers can’t get on their own. It’s a great tool to help you get more listings — for the competitive edge you need. (Your CRES policy may include Seller’s E&O or it may be an option you can add.)*
  • Qualified Home Warranties
    When you purchase a CRES home warranty, you reduce your E&O out-of-pocket claims expense (Retention) up to $5,000*, and give your sellers up to an additional $50,000 in Seller’s E&O coverage.* Now that’s a win-win. (But when you use both a Qualified Home Warranty and a Building Permit History Report, reduce your retention up to $7,500.*)

* Seller’s E&O coverage and other benefits are feature-based and warranty specific. The E&O Retention (Out-of-Pocket Claims Expense) Reduction applies to any real estate licensed Real Estate Services Council Risk Purchasing Group, LLC. (“RESCRPG”) member who personally pays for the Home Warranty Plan. These benefits are offered by, and intended for, the members of RESCRPG. RESCRPG membership is part of your CRES E&O policy. Other warranties may also qualify for an E&O Retention Reduction, but only those warranties listed here are guaranteed to qualify. Not available in all states. Certain restrictions apply. Read each policy for a full comparison of coverage and benefits. All coverage is subject to Underwriting and other qualifications.

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